Help us continue our scientific work and assist local Turkana communities with your
one of two ways:
Donate directly with Paypal

Field paleontology in remote areas like West Turkana is expensive. Making a difference in the
lives and communities of the local Turkana people in the areas we work involves costs as well,
and the more we have the more we can do. Federal and private foundation grant support
simply cannot provide enough funds for us to fulfill our scientific or outreach missions. We
depend on the help of our friends and supporters. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Please consider making a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation here through paypal or University of Missouri, or by mail to West Turkana Paleo Project c/o Carol Ward, Department of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, M263 Med Sci Bldg, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65212. Thank you - Kyalo, Carol & Mike